Sunday, January 29, 2006

Evening Prayer

Heavenly Dad,

I want to know you more. Help me to soak up your word like a sponge. I listen to sermons and Bible studies all day long on my iPod and I only hope that I can gain a greater understanding of you. I want to have time to read the scriptures and seek the truth in them. I want to hide your word in my heart so I can defend my faith in time of need. I want to be reminded of your presence in my life frequently. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for providing for my needs. Thank you for choosing me before time began. Thank you for eternal life that I realize I am already a part of. Help me use the time I have left to evangalize the unsaved and disciple the believers. I want to serve you with myself and my posessions. Please bless my family in rest this evening. And please be blessed by my returning your love with praises. Thank you for Jesus and I love you. Amen

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