Trials into faith
James 1:2-4 Consider it joy my dear bretheren, when you encounter various trials, because the testing of your faith produces endurance and that endurance produces a perfect result.
I memorized this passage at a very young age. As a younger person, trials were little, like figuring out what excuse I wanted to make for not having my homework done on time or not getting my chores done. As I've become older the trials have matured. I've encountered physical, emotional, and spiritual trials now and the Lord is using all of that to perfect me. What is the perfect result? Well it is anything that will bring God the greatest glory.
You see, trials come either from God's hands or through God's hands. What this means is that God is sovereign and in control of all things, including the trials. Our character is shaped through trials because we learn more about ourselves and the world around us and most of the time we look to God more in tough times. He wants us to be leaning on Him, so don't wait for trials, to get good at talking to your Lord.
Another thing that I have learned from trials is that they keep coming. I thank God for leading me through my current trial and I ask for Him to prepare me for the next one. Instead of kicking my feet up in victory, I have to put the armor back on and look out for more attack. The enemy can see your victory and he attacks even more in your success but just in different ways, and quickly.
Let the trials build your faith in God. Let that strengthened faith produce greater endurance through trials. And build your trust in God as you see Him working on your life through trials. Don't give your joy away to trials but instead rejoice in them because of the supernatural spiritual growth that it produces in you.
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