Jesus the Savior
I heard some great teachings today from Chuck Missler while I was at work. I'd like to share some insights. I learned that Boaz (book of Ruth), the kinsman redeemer, who is in the bloodline of our savior, Jesus, was the son of a harlot, Rahab. Remember Rahab played an important part in Isreal's history. She was the first gentile to become a believer in the God of Isreal. I think it's pretty cool that God chose a woman like her to be the first repentant sinner. Her sins weren't any different than our own, and Jesus died so that everyone, including the prostitute, could have eternal life. We just have to believe that Jesus was a perfect man and fully God, lived a sinless life, died a criminal's death, and rose again from the grave to give life to those who believe in Him. It is by grace through our faith in Jesus that we are saved.
Thank you Jesus for the sacrifice you made for me.
technorati tags: Jesus, chuck missler, God
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