Street Fishing - Ricky
Tuesday, we went to Yum-Yum's in Greensboro to do some street fishing. We basically posted up in one of the outside dining tables and opened our bibles. Ricky saw us out there and walked past 3 or 4 times before deciding to stop. He asked what we were reading and stopped to talk with us for a few minutes.
We asked if he knew for sure where he would go when he died and he couldn't really answer that question because he was too concerned about a long time sin that had been in his life. He's been to church and claims a salvation moment 3 years ago, but doesn't feel convinced due to this continuing sin.
We shared the gospel with him and asked if we could pray for him. He agreed and came and sat with us while we prayed, right there at the steps of the Yum-yum's restaurant. We left him with an invite card to our church and encouraged him to start attending a bible teaching church. He was very interested in church, and he left knowing that he had a decision to make about Jesus.
Please pray for Ricky. He's got the gospel, now, and a choice to make that will change his eternity.
--This was the first street witnessing encounter for my brother and me, and we were definitely blessed and encouraged by it. We couldn't wait to start talking with more people about Jesus. More to come regarding this night when time allows, so stay tuned...
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