Serving in the face of opposition
I can honestly say that I have never felt a greater desire to serve God in my life. I wish that I could make serving God a full time job.
With that being said, what do you do when you receive opposition from loved ones regarding your service? I especially am hurt when the opposition comes from "mature Christians". I know that God wants us to serve, and he commands us to put Him first in our lives, so when my day of judgment comes, I don't want to disappoint Him. My great fear is that He'll say I was lukewarm in my spirit. He would rather me be hot or even cold than to be lukewarm. This requires me to become involved in my local church and even beyond if I'm called in that way.
Certainly, God isn't going to call us to be idle, is He? He's not going to ask us to grow without serving, is He? He's not going to be content with a stale/cold growth or lack of growth. Not at all!
My response to the opposition is to continue serving. Continue doing what God is calling me to do. And by doing so, I hope to show those who oppose me what the love of Jesus really looks like in a true follower of Christ. I will also continue to pray for the maturity of my brothers and sisters in Christ, that they might realize that maturity of faith includes serving and obedience to God.
I get great Joy from serving, and wish that all believers would be able to enjoy the same adventure that following Jesus truely can be.
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