Friday, March 03, 2006



Some of you might know, that Duski and I have just completed the Crown Ministries course called Treasure Principles. This course is all about Godly giving and Heavenly treasures. By the way, it is a great class and I suggest it to anyone interested in their Heavenly treasures.

Anyway, we were given a chance to evaluate our hearts in the area of giving. We have been challenged and feel like we want to give more of what we have to God's Kingdom. Everything is God's anyway, so I think He would like to see us give to someone who needs it more than us. This helps to change our heart and to depend on Him even more.

The greatest story we learned in class was about a family that wanted to give $1 million to further the gospel. This was a lofty goal but they just started giving. First they gave 10% of what they had each year and then increased it quickly to 50%. They didn't make much to begin with. After just a few short years, they were giving 100% of their income to the Lord, but they still managed to survive. God just kept rewarding them for their faithfulness. You can read more about the story in the Treasure Principles book.

There is a challenge there to give more. There is a promise of a blessing as well. This is an area that God tells us to test Him. He wants us to try to give more than He can, which is something we can never do. But if that's what He's asking us to do, than are we being faithful in giving according to His wishes. I challenge myself and anyone else that is striving to be a follower of Christ to try to give more than God and be blessed by never being able to outgive the Creator.


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