Sunday, February 26, 2006


Today was my first chance to finally cut loose in the media ministry at church. I've been on the team for a month or so and I've had so much supervision it seems like the work I did wasn't needed. Today, however was a little different. I did my duties on my own with little help and was able to serve God completely. I have to say that serving the Lord completely is a great experience.


We had our first 2 meeting Sunday morning this week and I served both services. It was great to be able to be a part of what God is doing in our community. Pastor has always said that many people in the church won't grow until they start serving. I can now see how that would be. I look forward to many more opportunities to serve.

I'd encourage anyone reading this to stretch out to God in a ministry if you aren't involved aready. The way He will work in your life will be personal and and experience for you and Him to share. I couldn't say what my experience has been like, but I know that my attitude toward serving will be different from now on. As a follower of Christ, we should be serving; and this is not a chore but a blessing. So go get yourself blessed by serving and not asking for anything in return.



At 11:08 PM, Blogger Cleopas said...

Hi Jamie,

I was surfing through and found your blog, and was encouraged about your service in your church. I started something new today as well, teahcing a new members class.

Hey, keep up the good work and keep shining for the Lord -- or rather, just let Him be the one to keep on shining through you.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Obed said...

Thanks, cleopas, for reading my blog and for the encouraging words. God bless you.


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