Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Running Late

This evening after work, I stopped by my parents' new home to say hi. Today they just started moving into a new house that works out to be on my way home. The visit was to be short and then I'd leave to make it home at regular time. Well, I told Duski I'd be home at 5:30, but I noticed while I was driving that I would be about 15 minutes late. I'm really big on keeping my word with Duski, so I was worried about what would happen when I let her down.

So while I'm driving, I start to think of some fair excuses that I could give her for the delay. I thought of true excuses like traffic or construction, but they hadn't really slowed me down so I'd be telling her a half truth. I even re-set my watch back a few minutes so I could excuse the time because my clock was slow, but that would be an outright lie. What started to trouble me more, was that my rides home are typically filled with prayer and fellowship with my God, and tonight I let this 15 minute delay get between me and God.

There is a happy ending. Once I realized that I had excluded God from our regular prayer time and replaced Him with worry, I asked for forgiveness and returned to prayer. God revealed to me what was going on internally and made it clear that it was foolish to worry about making an excuse. He was going to make it all work out if I just asked Him for help. I did and was blessed and I give glory to God.

When I arrived home, I found my wife outside in the street speaking with a new person. It was a teacher from High Point Christian Academy, where Yazzi goes to school and she has just moved in across the street. So instead of a possible conflict when I arrived home, I encountered a blessing. My wife met yet another Christian woman her age. I'm sure Duski won't realize I had this conflict until she reads this blog post, and then God will have a chance to make this a blessing to her as well.

Pray without ceasing...include God in your worries.



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