Street Fishing - Thack
Tuesday, we made another trip out to the infamous Yum-Yum's restaurant for some more street fishing. And once again, God was at work in that place. As soon as we sat down for Joel to eat his meal, a man named Thack came up asking if we would buy him a meal. Joel jumped up without hesitating and ordered him a couple of hotdogs. We invited ourselves to join him with his meal and immediately started talking about God.
Thack is homeless. I didn't know this, until after I was insensitive enough to ask if he lived around here. He had just been approached by another gentleman about a church related event called "change". We don't know anything about the church or the event, but Thack simply said, "this is my night for God people". I told him that God had a message for him tonight and that was getting obvious to him quickly. Since a message was what God wanted for him, a message we gave him.
The message was about our sin, God's judgment on that sin, the sacrifice for sin that Jesus gave, and eternal life in Heaven for those that make Jesus their Lord or eternal death for those who refuse Him. Thack listened pretty well and we left him with a decision to make. The gospel was presented very clearly since he was willing to give us about 30 minutes or so of his evening.
We prayed with him and he went on his way. He didn't accept Jesus as Lord while with us that night, but we were obedient by telling him about Jesus and for that we are so very thankful. I'm thankful that God chooses to use us, broken clay pots, to give the message of salvation. Praise the Lord, is all I can say. I never in a million dreams had thought that I would be fishing for men, and after the last couple of times out, I can't dream of not doing it. This dieing world needs Jesus, and sometimes we are the only glimpse of Jesus that many people ever get.
good post brother, keep up the good work for the Lord!
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