Yesterday evening, we had a new speaker at church. He oversees the children’s ministry and he spoke while the pastor was out of town. He told of a little story that left an impression on me. It went something like this:
A fellow brother from a neighboring church asked, how does your children’s ministry flourish and succeed so greatly. At this brother’s church, they have all the money, workers, and provisions that any church would like, but for some reason he didn’t feel like the ministry had been successful. He could see and feel the Lord really working in the children’s ministry here. The response to the brother’s inquiry was pretty simple. “We hold our workers accountable for their duties and their walk with God.” This is important to be sure that God’s work is not placed behind a personal circumstance that any worker might bring with them when they serve.
This little story spoke to me. For one, it made me really appreciate the servants and leaders in my local church. It also reminded me that I need to be accountable for my walk with God, and the things I bring with me when I serve. As you might have already seen in my blog, I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve, for only one reason - accountability. If I am struggling, I want that to be clear so someone can come along side me and encourage me. If I’m winning the battle, I want that to be a way to lift up a brother or sister that might need my love. I want my thoughts to be transparent to let Jesus shine through in my life. I encourage everyone to find an accountability partner or two and be open with them about your life. By doing so, you’ll find that your ministry will flourish and succeed in ways that outsiders will be able to see and feel.
A challenge for you and me: Allow the Holy Spirit to hold you accountable for your thoughts and speech by prefacing them with a silent, unspoken mention of the name of Jesus. When Jesus comes first, all the world will see is His glory.
technorati tags: fellowship, teach, Jesus, Bible, accountability, believer
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